Clark Community Center holds the annual Dirt Road Dash a fun family event for all ages including pets.
"Working together since 2015, the partners of The Heritage Partnership offer a united front, allowing donors and members to give to one collective entity with the ability to choose and contribute to the organization of their choice. With the support of the community, we hope each of our eight partners continues to be a vital part of all the communities in presenting and preserving our history within Holmes County."
-Mary Tipton, President
"The Killbuck Valley Museum is one of the best kept secrets of Holmes Co. and the Heritage Partnership has been the best thing to happen to the Killbuck Valley Historical Society since I’ve been involved as president."
-Bob Porter, President
"The Holmes County Genealogy Society feels very grateful to be part of The Heritage Partnership. This funding helps us to purchase supplies to preserve and organize records, books and family genealogies for those who are searching for their Holmes County connections now and for future generations.."
- , President
"Friends of the Library are able to refurbish the book drop and other projects because of your contributions. We are also able to help with library programs and buy extra best sellers for the Library quick-pick section. Thank you again.”
-Carole Norman, President
"Clark Community Center is very honored to be involved with the Heritage Partnership. With your generous donations we are able to continue to offer more things for the community."
-Taylor Faunce, President
"The partnership helps us to share our story to the surrounding communities."
-Tim Neal, President
"Heritage Partnership has been a fantastic way for us to connect with arts supporters across the county!"
-Holley Johnson, Director
Thank you for your consideration to give to our Holmes County nonprofits. Your loyalty and generosity are important to us. Please note that the donation charge will show as "Holmes Co. Historical Society Holmes Co." The Heritage Partnership is DBA Holmes Co. Historical Society. Our partner nonprofits will receive your memberships and donations.
Scroll through the list of our Partners below to find your favorite organizations to donate to.
Physical Address:
484 Wooster Road
Millersburg, OH 44654
Mailing Address:
PO Box 126
Millersburg, OH44654
Full seasonal hours begin
April 1- October 31
Full seasonal hours begin April 1-Oct. 31
Full seasonal hours begin April 1-Oct. 31
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